Ad-hoc Mitteilungen

Corporate News

13.11.2023 tonies mit hervorragendem Umsatzwachstum von 46% in Q3 und auf gutem Weg, im GJ 2023 einen Umsatz von 354 Mio. EUR sowie ein positives bereinigtes EBITDA zu erreichen
02.11.2023 tonies-Gründer übergeben an neuen CEO Tobias Wann
23.08.2023 tonies ist in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2023 profitabel beim bereinigten EBITDA
11.05.2023 tonies‘ starkes Momentum setzt sich 2023 mit einem Umsatzwachstum von 42% im ersten Quartal fort – auf gutem Weg zu einem positiven bereinigten EBITDA im GJ 2023
13.04.2023 tonies erzielt im GJ 2022 ein Umsatzwachstum von 37% mit einer Profitabilität am oberen Ende der prognostizierten Spanne – GJ 2023: signifikantes Wachstum & positive bereinigte EBITDA-Marge erwartet
06.04.2023 tonies SE ernennt Dr. Jan Middelhoff zum CFO und erweitert den Vorstand
02.02.2023 tonies SE: tonies übertrifft die Umsatzprognose für das Geschäftsjahr 2022 mit einem sehr starken US-Geschäft und erreicht die Prognose für Profitabilität
08.11.2022 tonies SE: tonies beginnt Barkapitalerhöhung mit einem angestrebten Bruttoerlös von bis zu EUR 60 Mio.
28.10.2022 tonies SE: tonies liefert starkes Ergebnis in den ersten neun Monaten des Jahres 2022 und hebt Prognose zur Profitabilität für das Geschäftsjahr 2022 deutlich an
25.08.2022 tonies zeigt sehr starke Performance im ersten Halbjahr mit anhaltender Dynamik in den internationalen Märkten und bestätigt Prognose für das Gesamtjahr 2022
24.05.2022 tonies meldet sehr erfolgreiches erstes Quartal 2022: Gruppen-Umsatzwachstum von 37% durch starkes Wachstum in internationalen Märkten gestützt
28.04.2022 tonies SE übertrifft Erwartungen und schließt das Geschäftsjahr 2021 mit starkem Umsatzwachstum von 40% ab. Wachstumstrend setzt sich in Q1 2022 fort
31.01.2022 tonies SE schließt 2021 mit einem starken 4. Quartal ab: Der Umsatz wächst dank starkem, internationalen (insbesondere US) Geschäft im GJ 2021 um 37% gegenüber Vorjahr
12.01.2022 tonies SE mit hohem Wachstum in Q3 2021 dank starkem, internationalen Geschäft (insbesondere USA), positiver Ausblick für Q4
29.11.2021 Erfolgreicher Zusammenschluss: tonies SE startet Handel an der Deutschen Börse Frankfurt
29.04.2021 468 SPAC I SE: completes €300 million private placement


24.11.2023 tonies SE: Publication Total number of voting rights notification
20.11.2023 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WpHG)
20.11.2023 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WpHG)
20.11.2023 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WpHG)
12.09.2023 tonies SE: Publication Total number of voting rights notification
25.08.2023 tonies SE: Publication Total number of voting rights notification
01.12.2022 tonies SE: tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WpHG)
29.11.2022 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
14.04.2022 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
12.04.2022 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
03.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
03.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
03.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
03.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
03.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
03.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
03.12.2021 tonies SE: Veröffentlichung über Erwerb oder Veräußerung eigener Aktien nach § 40 Abs. 1 Satz 2 WpHG
02.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
02.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
02.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
02.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
02.12.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 13 of the Luxembourg transparency law
30.11.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
30.11.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
30.11.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
30.11.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
30.11.2021 tonies SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
04.11.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
07.10.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
01.10.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
01.10.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
01.10.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
01.10.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
01.10.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
27.09.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
21.09.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
10.09.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
07.09.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
06.09.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
06.09.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
06.09.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
17.05.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
11.05.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
11.05.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
10.05.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
10.05.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
10.05.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
07.05.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
07.05.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)
07.05.2021 468 SPAC I SE: Release according to article 11 paragraph 6 of the Luxembourg transparency law and section 40 paragraph 1 of the German securities trading act (WPHG)

Directors’ Dealings

27.11.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
25.11.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
25.11.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
13.11.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
11.10.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
23.09.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them_Jan Middelhoff
29.07.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them_468 SPAC Sponsors GmbH u Co.KG
29.07.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them_A. Kudlich
08.07.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them_468 SPAC Sponsors
16.04.2024 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them_Quando GmbH
28.11.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
15.11.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
27.10.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
09.10.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
28.09.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
07.09.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
30.08.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
29.08.2023 Correction of a release from 28/08/2023, 18:00 CET/CEST - tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
28.08.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
21.07.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
14.07.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
19.06.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
01.06.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
27.03.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
06.03.2023 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
30.12.2022 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
05.12.2022 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
30.11.2022 tonies SE: Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
22.07.2022 DGAP-DD: tonies SE english
22.07.2022 DGAP-DD: tonies SE english
22.07.2022 DGAP-DD: tonies SE english
09.06.2022 DGAP-DD: tonies SE english
02.03.2022 DGAP-DD: tonies SE english
02.03.2022 DGAP-DD: tonies SE english
07.02.2022 DGAP-DD: tonies SE english
07.02.2022 DGAP-DD: tonies SE english
06.12.2021 DGAP-DD: tonies SE english
07.05.2021 DGAP-DD: 468 SPAC I SE english
07.05.2021 DGAP-DD: 468 SPAC I SE english
07.05.2021 DGAP-DD: 468 SPAC I SE english
07.05.2021 DGAP-DD: 468 SPAC I SE english
07.05.2021 DGAP-DD: 468 SPAC I SE english